Servus Robinhood!
It is great to have you here.
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Why Robinhood
I heard of Robinhood on diverse ads and news but also on my own research about online brokers. I haven’t used your app yet but the impressions on the web and on social media look stunning. My personal interests in IT are proven by my track record. In the last few years I am heavily focusing on financial education tho' and would like to combine my both interests at Robinhood to democratize finance.
Why me
If I had to write a job description for myself I couldn’t do better. This is not only a job description to me but also an inspiring development path which I’d consider for myself anyhow. The technologies are challenging and some will be new to me; but otherwise it would be boring, right? I can fulfill most of your mentioned requirements, except Go/Python and AWS primitives knowledge. What I can offer instead is senior programming knowledge in C# which will get me on track in Go or Python in no time. And regarding AWS, I started to use some services like EC2 and Route53 for private and university projects a few years ago but I haven’t built a scalable and production-ready system yet. The current times are challenging especially if we consider remote hiring or relocations. But I am flexible and open to start remote and/or relocate anywhere where you’d like me to have. I am already very grateful when you read these lines and hope to convince you in a personal meeting soon.
Why change
My life has shown me that it gets best when I leave my comfort zone. It has proven me every time on travelling, but also at work when I ask for more crucial tasks. I really like my current occupation but somehow I feel that my personal development is stagnating. So far, I've always been motivated to succeed in career and private life. Thus I started studying additionally to grow in skills and personality. Recently I just finished my master's degree and already look forward to my next major change.